
Looking Back at 2021

It's that time year again when we can sit down and reflect on what we've achieved over the past year. And despite the ups and downs of the pandemic that all of us have had to deal with, it's been a great year for us at CT. We signed new desks, grew our team, added lots of functionality which gives direct value to our users, and continued to invest in the quality and scalability of CT Grid.

Building a good quality product is hard, so it's a good thing that it's also extremely rewarding. Doubly so when user retention isn't a problem, and you have a team of aces behind you. It means that we're getting something right!

Our north star, the thing that keeps us on the straight and narrow, is simply to focus on making the desk's life easier. Can we offload some mundane focus grabbing task to CT Grid? Can we help reduce mistakes? Can we give the desk an edge over the competition? Anything that allows brokers and traders to devote more of their brain cycles to their core activity will mean better results for the desk. That's what drives us at our core.

The other things, like helping with the digitalisation and distribution of desk data, becoming an integral part of a number of data businesses, and helping front-office support, are happy by-products of this focus and the continued investment in our tech stack.

We're looking forward to do more of the same in 2022. Stay focused, stay safe.

Happy holidays to you and your loved ones.